Embracing choices – choose to not lose

We are our choices Jean-Paul Sartre, French Philosopher.

Choices at the cross-roads of your life

There come many important decision-making points in the life of a student– especially after Class 10 and 12 when you decide which course your future will take. The stream of studies you choose and the subjects you specialize in play an important role in your college admission and subsequent career placement. Decision-making junctures seem endless with the multitude of the options available before you. Even after graduation from college, there is the consideration of whether you should go in for campus placement versus preparing yourself for higher studies like a Masters program or a Management degree. For professional courses like MBA, you will deliberate if it makes sense to get some work experience and then enroll or you may consider a part-time course option as well.

Choice is a privilege: Choose wisely

While all of this may seem overwhelming or confusing, the great news is that ‘choice is a privilege’ not afforded to all. It’s wonderful that you live in a time where there are so many options to educate and empower yourself and make something meaningful out of your life. Hence, do not get confused by choices and instead embrace the choices available in front of you to carve your best path. Embracing choices means successfully completing the requirements of whatever you have chosen; and allowing the work you have put into that choice to mature. It certainly does not mean moving from one choice to the other without grasping the essence of the program you are enrolled in especially when things get tough.

Focus on the ‘Now’ over the ‘Next’

Today’s world is a marketer’s paradise! Every day we are bombarded with information telling us what the next best shiny thing is out there for us to buy. Advertisements, posters, hoardings, television and social media ads are constantly encouraging us that our happiness lies in constantly acquiring something new. Buy something new and expensive and get an instant thrill from it – be it a new mobile phone or a brand new bike! We are also surrounded by people highlighting all of this in social media each and every day. Without us realizing even, all of these things have the power to subconsciously affect our minds and makes us question our choices. It can also lure us into always planning how to make more money in a shorter period of time. Unfortunately, we may take this mindset to our studies and career as well and quickly develop a dissatisfaction of where we are and what we are doing. Avoid the trap of instant gratification and be contented and focused on what you are doing now. Be determined to develop yourself as a well-rounded personality who can adapt to learning new technology and working well with people rather than someone who is always looking to make fast money!

Choice versus No-choice?

In the midst of all these choices, there is one aspect where you literally have ‘no choice’ – do you know what it is? You have ‘no choice’ when it comes to staying committed to whatever you choose to do.

We live in a competitive world where one has to fine tune themselves personally and professionally to be successful. Any path in life comes with highs and lows and staying on track means riding them both out in a consistent way. A common trait shared by successful people is that they do not quit when the going gets tough. While an ace scientist will not quit over a few failed experiments, a star cricketer will not give up practicing cricket and take up football just because he got bowled out by the first ball in an important match. So, when studying for a particular exam is difficult or a course or project requirement is challenging, do not give up when the going gets tough and quickly try to move on some other option.

Do not second-guess your choices and confuse yourself. Take your investment of time seriously and train your mind to complete whatever you undertake successfully – even if it comes with hurdles. There is no ‘one size fits all’ answer when it comes to deciding what opportunity will work best for you when planning your future. What matters eventually is how fine-tuned your own mind is in deciding to stay on track and complete your course requirements successfully. Success will naturally follow.

An early-career program: Comprehensive choice for overall growth

An early-career program like HCL TechBee is a carefully curated opportunity of several sensible choices in one comprehensive package. Choosing and committing to this program gives you the opportunity to receive the most contemporary tech training in the industry today while empowering yourself with the best educational degrees including the added incentive of an assured job placement. The TechBee ecosystem is invested in your overall success keeps you inspired with access to practical training, relevant guidance, a like-minded community and world-class mentors. Learn more about the key advantages of an early career program like HCL TechBee!

10 Things that parents can follow to help their children before exams

Parents always wish the best for their children and it is a natural phenomenon for them to relive their childhood through their prodigies…fulfill their own unfulfilled dreams and aspirations, mould their children into perfect professionals which they themselves dreamt to be. So, towards that, the first and foremost step is nurturing their children well through their schooling years. They try to get their children admitted to the best of the schools, providing the best possible coaching classes and offering a plethora of extra-curricular activities on a platter for them to choose from for their vocational upliftment. All this and more with the sole objective of seeing their children shine in the success that either they could not achieve or they dreamt for their children since their birth. There is a common line heard from most Indian parents “we will do everything for you” or “we will give you the finest, just keep on studying and deliver your best”. With new format of Board exams being introduced and study methodologies also changing, the things that parents can do to help their children are:

1. Help them plan better

As the first and foremost step, as a parent you can help your child craft a study plan that should outline the outcome of a particular learning session. Students should set goals for every session which will bring a sense of accountability in them to fulfill their target.

2. Make notes of imp points

A lot of times children can be intimidated by the magnitude of their syllabus. Revising before exams become even more daunting then. But if you can guide your child to make comprehensive notes for every lesson in the initial learning phase itself, half the battle is won.

3. Inhibition to seek clarity in class

Many students shy away from seeking clarity on their doubts in front of classmates as it might show their ignorance. This is mostly due to their own lack of confidence. Parents should instill that confidence in their wards to speak up and get all queries answered.

4. Let the child pick up his own study pattern

Some children can study, understand and retain better in the early hours of the morning. Some prefer doing it in the peace of the night when everybody else is asleep. So there should be no fixed rules for studies. Goes without saying, you need a minimum 8 hours of sleep. But beyond that, parents should be flexible and give children that space where they can be most productive.

5. Encourage your child to learn from mistakes and not give up

There is a saying that there is no end to learning and we all can learn till the last day of our lives. Similarly, students should also learn from their failures as that will only lead them to understand their own mistakes, learn from them, rectify and avoid committing them again. Help them to work on a plan to overcome their shortcomings for their next exam.

6. Befriend technology to remain updated

Technology is no more used only for games, surfing and now online classes. Educational apps and study platforms make learning easy and interesting. So, you also need to learn to be able to refer it optimally for your child.

7. Eliminate distraction at the place and time of studies

Till some years ago parents would think keeping children away from laptops and mobiles phones was good enough to avoid getting them distracted. But now with online education and everything going digital, the ideal way is to find a dedicated learning spot for your kid. Your child will be able to focus more.

8. Inculcate the habit of taking short breaks every now and then

It is absolutely essential from fitness point of view and also to keep the mind from getting bored and studies becoming mundane. Encourage your child to take shorter breaks at regular gaps to refresh his brain and feel rejuvenated for the next session.

9Praise your child whenever required to build his confidence

Everyone loves to be appreciated and it is important for you as a parent to applaud your children to keep them motivated. Celebrating their insignificant successes is what positive parenting is all about and can contribute immensely to their success.

10Remain involved and closely monitor to help children de-stress at the right times

Donot start asking questions at the nth moment as that might not go down well with your kid. If you show interest since beginning, you need not even monitor round the clock. The trust and the faith are mutually built. You will the notice that children reach out themselves when they need help to brave out challenges in their lives.

Indeed, it is this support of parents that will help their children perform better in their exams and their lives.

10 Ways to nurture an exceptional employee experience

Generation Z also called Zoomers are the demographic group born roughly between the years 1995 and 2010 and considered to be the first digitally-native group. Did you know that studies reveal that Gen Z value ‘experiences’ over ‘materialism’ when it comes to their important life choices? Gen Z thrives in companies that provide them with an exceptional employee experience. So, what is it all about?

Here are 10 ways that companies can create an exceptional employee experience-

1. Make employees feel valued: Giving employees the feeling that they are welcome and valued is one of the critical factors of positive employee engagement. Employees who feel a deep sense of kinship to their company and its values contribute positively to an exceptional employee and organizational experience.

2. Provide a great onboarding experience: An exceptional employee experience is positive from beginning to end and this includes creating a good impression on new hires and those who are interviewing to join the company. Let the employees know from the get-go that their managers and company support their induction and overall growth. This is also a  great time to provide a realistic preview of the job to reduce later dissatisfaction.

3. Set SMART Goals: SMART Goals as the acronym suggests are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based. Communicate your company’s mission and values clearly and effectively to employees. Ensure that the Goals you set for your team are SMART.

4. Focus on multi-dimensional engagement: Employees want to engage on different levels within the organization so the company must provide them with programs and platforms for their professional and personal development. Give employees multi-dimensional opportunities to express themselves, display leadership skills and build their confidence.

5. Encourage open and honest communication: Continue to foster an environment based on openness and trust where employees can express themselves not only through timed surveys but 365-day feedback channels. Provide employees with timely feedback so they can understand their responsibilities better.

6. Support teamwork and trust: Global work environments today require cross-functional teams coming together to solve novel problems. Managers and team leaders must create teams where a culture built on trust and openness motivates employees to give their best.

7. Highlight opportunities for advancement: Focus on employees’ career development and keep them informed about developing opportunities including those for advancement. This will help them plan around their goals better.

8. Provide access to mentors: Mentorship is beneficial to mentors and mentees. Mentors help their mentees set personal and professional development goals and enhance their sense of accountability. They also share the company’s values and belief system practically through their interactions.

9. Nurture entrepreneurship: Encourage employees irrespective of their organizational-level to express themselves, share their ideas and help them bring their ideas to life.

10. Encourage CSR opportunities: Employees especially those belonging to Generation Z consistently look for opportunities in Corporate Social Responsibility to effect change. Companies must provide adequate programs and platforms that nurture the spirit of giving and community-mindedness in employees.

HCLTech is a Great Place To Work which invests in providing you with a great experience that benefits your holistic growth. HCLTech is recognized as one of ‘India’s Best Employers’ in the National Builders category and selected as one of the ‘Best Workplaces’ among Mega Employers of 2021 by the Great Place to Work®️ Institute – the largest study on Workplace Culture in India and across the globe.

The organization has continuously demonstrated the power of putting its people first while delivering cutting-edge solutions to its clients. It is committed to developing the best work environment for its workforce and in enhancing HR processes for collaborative and future-ready workplaces.

Are you looking for an exceptional employee experience? Look no further than HCLTech.

Make your mark on the world with HCL TechBee

Do marks matter?

The importance of examination results especially important ones like Board Exams of Class XII and Class X have always been a subject of debate. While some believe that it is absolutely important to get very high scores to prove oneself for college placements and future careers, some may give examples of those who did not get very high scores in important exams but still managed to make it big in life!

Of course, there are many students with outstanding capabilities in sports or other defining hobbies that make themselves indispensable to a college or company despite their average marks. Also, there are students who secured average marks in school but had a change in attitude during college and became single-minded in their goal to get a good career placement. In this case, the results of Board Exams may not matter so much

Understanding the passion and dedication of the world’s greatest tech wizards

Some of the world’s greatest tech wizards turned entrepreneurs who started the biggest companies of the world dropped out of high school! Well, do examination results really matter that much? Well, it is important here for us to realize that these tech wizards dropped out of high school because they had a ‘burning passion’ to study and understand their technology, a passion that became so consuming that they had no time for anything else but pursuing it! They were evolved beyond the limitations of their education curriculum and while we admire them, we must also acknowledge that their life stories come under exceptional circumstances.

However, they would not have become the business leaders they are today without this passion and single-minded focus to bring their ideas to life. So, let us assume that they did not drop out of high school to play videogames, chat with their friends and watch YouTube the whole day! We can keep extensively debating on the pros and cons of this subject and give many examples to illustrate our point of view. However, we must be careful not to manipulate these examples to our convenience and make excuses to have a ‘take it easy’ attitude in life. Instead, we must understand the importance of clear goals, passion and determination while planning for the future.

‘Expectations versus Results’

At the micro-level, we all belong to various forms of societies be it a school, apartment, community, college or program and at the macro-level, we belong to some form of township, city and country. To exist harmoniously at the micro or macro level, we have to follow certain rules and our work and contributions are usually measured based on protocols and results. For example – You might be a very kind person who likes to help a lot of needy people but as a citizen of a country, you also have the obligation to pay your taxes on time. When it is time to pay your taxes, you cannot give some other examples of how you served society and expect the Government to understand your point of view. Likewise, when you become a part of a company, your work will be meaningful only if it contributes to the expectations of your team-members and your customers. It might be the most brilliant display of coding but if it’s not practical for the solution – your brilliance alone will not save the day!

Whether it is a community, corporate or a country – there will always be a way that ‘expectations versus results’ are measured. Board Exam results give colleges and companies a clear indication of your attitude toward your education. While we live in an era where many forward-thinking organizations do not rely on these results alone and look at the overall personality of the candidate, we must try our best to present a good image of ourselves and good marks help more than average ones. Does this mean that the world has come to an end because your marks are not good enough? Absolutely not! Life will always give us opportunities to learn and nurture ourselves to become the best versions of ourselves. The world respects people who have gotten up and run after a fall as much as they respect those who make it quick to the finish line.

A determined mindset takes everything as learning

We all have the duty to work hard to follow the rules, which in the case of a student is to prepare well for the exams and focus on getting a good score. However, we must also try to develop a mind-set to accept the results graciously and learn as much as possible from the results. We must  certainly not get depressed or think life is over just based on exam results.

It is natural to feel anxious when you are standing at the crossroads of your life and career not knowing which path to take. Do your marks matter? Will you get a chance to succeed in life? Will you be able to follow your heart and realize your dreams?

An organized mind leads to an organized life. At HCL TechBee, we have organized a holistic program early-career program that is guaranteed to help you make your mark in this world and plan your future relying on us to deliver you with the skills needed for success.  Our program eligibility criteria ensures that opportunities are available for a wide variety of students from different backgrounds who are looking for a systematic way to plan their future. Whether marks matter or note, it’s time for you to make your mark on the world with HCL TechBee!

Focus on these subjects in high school for tech career success

With the diverse range of information, exposure and options available for high school students today, many have a clear notion of whether they want to pursue a career in technology and IT services or not. Which brings us to the question – what subjects one should focus on in Classes XI and XII that will be useful for a tech career.


“Pure mathematics is in its own way, the poetry of logical ideas” – Albert Einstein
Students often wonder how the difficult Math concepts that they study in high school will practically help them in real life. After all, we only need to know basic mathematical functions to pay bills and file taxes. Is the Pythagoras theorem really going to help us run a household and plan a career?

Well, one has to ‘think outside the box’ and ‘look at the bigger picture’ to understand that Mathematics ‘trains our mind’ to approach problem-solving in a logical manner. So, while trigonometry won’t help you pay your taxes in the future, it would have certainly nurtured your mind to be efficient and logical while solving problems. Closer to its alignment with tech careers, most IT roles require us to problem-solve in an efficient and quick manner. Barring exceptions, those with a solid foundation and interest in Mathematics typically do well in developer and analyst roles which require critical problem-solving skills. So, those interested in tech careers would benefit from focusing on Mathematics in high school at least to the level of being thorough with the syllabus of their high school course requirements

Computer Science

“Computer Science is the operation system for all innovation” – Steve Ballmer

Passion for computer science will certainly hold someone who is interested in a tech career in good stead. It’s always a good idea to approach this subject with interest rather than looking at it as an income-generation option alone. Build your fundamental knowledge of software engineering in high school so that you have a strong knowledge base to build upon in the future. Do not restrict yourself to the Computer Science topics covered in your high school syllabus and browse the Internet including online learning modules to challenge yourself in the areas that interest you. Better still, spend your free time creating apps, writing simple code and participating in high school hackathons to take your passion for computer science further. Observe the world around, including the lifestyles of people you know. What are the problems you see that you believe technology has an answer to? Can you code to provide a solution toward this? Build a curious mindset and train your mind to better the world through technology.

English & Languages

“Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savor their songs.” – Nelson Mandela

While science-based subjects like Physics and Chemistry are also important to gain a deeper level of understanding of the mechanical and intrinsic aspect of the world we live in, there is no denying the importance of focusing on English and language courses during your high school. Typically, many take this course lightly with the belief that it is sufficient to be good in Science alone to succeed in a tech career. This is a misconception which needs to be addressed with a genuine interest from you to improve your communication skills. With the exception of rare geniuses, it will be difficult for you to express your talent or make your mark in the world with sloppy communication skills.

Once you enter a college or an early career program like HCL TechBee, your communication and presentation skills will enable you to stand out positively in a crowd. Even if your career is focused purely on tech coding, you will have to write e-mails, take part in team calls, write reports and present your work – all of which requires good English communication skills. Your High School English course will also expose you to art, prose, poetry – subjects that will expand your mind and improve your soft skills. Whether it is your English course or your second-language course, focus on getting the best out of the meaning of the content rather that treating it as a course requirement you must finish.

Looking Beyond High School

Are you a tech enthusiast looking to enroll yourself in a program that tells you exactly what to focus on after high school? HCL TechBee is an organized, holistic program early-career program that is guaranteed to help you make your mark in the tech world and plan your future. Our program eligibility criteria ensures that opportunities are available for a wide variety of students from different backgrounds who are looking for a systematic way to plan their future.

Empowerment beyond education

What comes to mind when you hear the word HCL TechBee? Does it instantly make you think of a program that teaches you to be technically proficient while preparing you competently for an early-career in IT? A program that exposes you to the world of technology and empowers you with what matters? Well, you are right! But there’s more to this than meets the eye! Which is why we like to describe HCL Tech Bee  as a comprehensive 360 degree program that enhances many aspects of your professional life with your long-term success in mind.

HCL TechBee is all about empowerment! Let’s explore more about the multi-faceted benefits of this program through these 5 KEY POINTS  and learn how HCL TechBee not only effectively kickstarts your early-career but also empowers you to become a next-gen IT leader.


1. TechBee goes beyond IT education

2. TechBee gives you command over communication

3. TechBee makes you an effective team-player

4. TechBee improves your quantitative and logical reasoning skills

5. TechBee prepares you to be a next-gen IT leader

1. HCL TechBee goes beyond IT education

Of course, while one of the key highlights of the program is the best in-class IT education that it imparts, the focus is on giving you every opportunity to not only become technically proficient but also mould your personality to be effective as a problem-solver and team-player. The integrated education option that we provide helps you seamlessly learn in the classroom and practically apply what you learn there in the real-world scenario. Likewise, you can take back the learnings from your real-world training and discuss them in the classroom.

2. HCL TechBee gives you command over communication

You could be the best programmer in the world but if you are looking to be a next-gen leader then enhancing your communication skills  matter more than ever. Communication can only be understood to some extent from textbook learning and the more opportunities you have to take part in team discussions, present proposals and presentations and talk to customers – the more efficient you will become in getting your point across. TechBee candidates are given all these tailor-made opportunities to effectively work on their communication skills with feedback from trainers and mentors to give you the extra edge you need to be successful.

3. HCL TechBee makes you an effective team-player 

‘No man is an island’ is a popular saying we have all heard. The most inspiring leaders remind us that the ability to work well in a team is one of the most desirable traits in a candidate. Again, this is something you cannot learn from a text-book alone! Unless you are practically given opportunities to be an integral part of team, it will be difficult to understand how you will play a part in it especially during challenging times. At HCL TechBee, both inside and outside the classroom – you will learn to contribute effectively within a team and develop a sense of ownership and pride.

4. HCL TechBee improves your quantitative and logical reasoning skills

Remember when you were young and your parents and teachers constantly reminded you that the more you practice Mathematics, the better you will get at it. Why? The human mind feeds on the input it is given. The more practice we give our minds – the more efficiently it will absorb the input, process the problems and deliver the output – much like the Central Processing Unit of a computer.

Problem-solving skills including quantitative and logical reasoning skills do not manifest just overnight. While there are some people who have an aptitude towards this – the ones who manage to differentiate themselves effectively are the ones who practice on problems as much as they can. HCL TechBee candidates are given plenty of opportunities to improve their quantitative and logical reasoning skills by real exposure to problem-solving in real-time business scenarios under the guidance of experienced trainers, team leaders and mentors.

5. HCL TechBee prepares you to be a next-gen IT leader

HCL TechBee candidates become a part of larger HCLTech ecosystem with access to programs, platforms and a mentorship network that expands your horizons. HCLTech also has a keen focus on employee-run corporate social responsibility programs that expand your mind to think of ways you can make an impact on society. HCLTech is a democratic organization which means that the value you bring to the table is more important than your ranking or work band. So, developing your problem-solving and communication skills along with your technical skills will hold you in good stead in the long run. All of these qualities will help you position yourself as not only a successful candidate today but  a next-gen IT leader of tomorrow.

What are you waiting for? Learn more about HCL TechBee today to plan for a bright future tomorrow!

Getting tuned to the process : drawing inspiration from sports legends

“Whatever you want to do, do with full passion and work really hard towards it. Don’t look anywhere else.” – Virat Kohli, Captain of the Indian Cricket Team

If you’re wondering if an early career program has anything common with sports  – we have news for you – there are many things in common! Are you surprised? Read on to learn more.

What do the most elite athletes do? Does a world-famous cricket player magically appear on the pitch one day and score a century? Can someone run like lightning just based on their luck of the day? Can a team win without effort? What turns performers into winner?

Andre Agassi, one of the greatest tennis legends of all times said, “ If you don’t practice, you don’t deserve to win.” Sir Mo Farah, multiple Olympic, World and European champion and one of the world’s greatest long-distance runners put it simply,  “Don’t dream about winning, train for it”.

What can we make out from these quotes from these sporting legends?

Any seasoned sports professional will tell you that there is no replacement for dedication to their training protocol. Even those with a natural ability to excel in a sport – enroll themselves in a disciplined training program from a young age and more importantly, stay committed and follow through on it to stay ahead of the curve. Anyone who plays sports for personal or professional reasons will talk about the importance of practice and the importance of repeating the same tasks again and again in order to improve. They have their eyes firmly on a goal and avoid distractions at all costs.

M.S. Dhoni, one of the greatest cricketing legends of India mentioned in a past interview  that in today’s world, people are focused on by-products and lose sight of the process. He advices youngsters that the ‘process is more important than the result’ and if one takes care of the process and all the small things in the process – the desired result will naturally follow.

Yes! Process is important. When it comes to your professional future and personal development – investing in a process-oriented early career program like HCL Tech Bee will give you the opportunity to engage in a  structured training protocol and enable you to practice what you learn repeatedly till you become very good at it in the workplace.

Of course, there is the added benefit of feeling secure that you will have a credible job at the end of the training. A bigger benefit is that removing the element of uncertainty about your future will help you keep your eyes firmly on the goal. Just like sportspersons train themselves from a young age to get better at their game, you too can train ourselves efficiently and energetically to hone your professional skills and be successful in the workplace.

Just like sports persons can gauge how successful their training is by putting it to ‘practical action’ on the field, you can practically apply everything you learn in a ‘real-time job’ in the real world. So, let’s be practical! HCL TechBee is designed right down to the small detail , keeping the holistic development of every individual candidate in mind. Learn more about the  key advantages of an early career program and how you can enhance your future by enrolling with HCL Tech Bee.

Best practices we can inculcate to stay future-ready in uncertain times: are you ready to act?

The cancellation of the Class XII exams across various states in India due to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has left students, parents and various stakeholders of the education ecosystem concerned about the way forward for the batch of students who would not have the traditional exam results to determine their future course of action. Though the education boards have already announced the alternate assessment criteria for determining college placements– it does leave many in uncertainty over what lies ahead.

What are some of the best practices we can inculcate to be future-ready in the midst of uncertainty? Are you ready to ACT – Accept, Contemplate, Thrive.

ACCEPT : Though it may sound like a simple term, ‘acceptance’ is an age-old value propagated by the wisest men across different eras and societies. Reinhold Nienbuhr, an American theologist and social commentator in his ‘Serenity Prayer asks for ‘serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’

During the difficult times of this pandemic, we must seek the serenity to accept that there are certain things we cannot change, some that we can and that positive, yet pragmatic thinking will help us work to the best of our capabilities. There is no point in bemoaning things, crying or wishing that things would be different because this behavior cannot change reality as you know it. While it is natural to feel confused, insecure or anxious over what is happening around us, it necessary to stay calm and collected so that the decisions we take will be from a place of clarity and not anxiety. The first step toward developing this calm demeanor is to ACCEPT the situation as it is.

CONTEMPLATE : The next step is to ‘CONTEMPLATE’ – to review the various options that you have before you. Understand that this is an unprecedented situation for the Government and educational institutions as we patiently for them to spell out the way forward.  Till then, make a list of the colleges you would like to apply for or early-career programs that you might be interested in. Keep yourself updated on alternate eligibility criteria by referring to the official websites of colleges and programs and do not rely on social media alone. Do not encourage false spreading of news and fear mongering via social media. Instead, reflect a positive mindset to your parents and family members.

THRIVE : The smartest and most successful people in the world are those who are resilient and adaptive no matter what the situation may be. Keep alternate plans for your future in mind and do not pin all your hopes on only one college or one degree option. Keep yourself updated on the benefits of
early-career programs and career training programs like HCL Tech Bee.  As you wait for more clarity on your future, make sure to find diverse avenues to express yourself through learning new skills or enjoying your hobbies. Above all, work on developing a disciplined routine which paves way for your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual growth. All of this will ensure that you will THRIVE from within, no matter what the external situations may be.

Useful tips for Exam Success

Exam season is around the corner. May – June 2021 is bound to be action-packed for students in India who will give exams at the end of what has been an unprecedented year, due to COVID-19. The approach to exams will be different across various states this year – a combination of online and offline modes with some states in India like Tamil Nadu cancelling Class X board exams for the year, altogether.

Firstly, let’s all admit that processing all this information and adapting to changes may not be easy. Exams by themselves are a challenging period in a student’s life especially the path-defining Board Exams. We are sure that the surging heat of Summer 2021 does not make things easy either. However, as we have discussed previously in our earlier blogs – you cannot control what happens externally but you have control over your attitude toward all that is happening.

The time leading up to the exams can be used to replace stressful pre-exam triggers with positive practices that nurture success. We spoke about how replacing fear with awareness, anxiety with positivity and stress with discipline can help you cope with managing your study schedule better.

We have a list of Top 3 Useful Tips that will help you score good marks in your exam :

#1 Develop a habit of waking up early and going to bed on time

Sleep is one of the most underrated and overlooked success factors in the life of a student. According to Johns Hopkins, one of the most eminent medical research institutes in the United States of America, teenagers need around 9 to 9.5 hours of sleep a night to support their developing brain and physical growth spurts. According to Ayurveda, one of the world’s most holistic healing systems – getting good quality sleep between 9 pm and 5 am is crucial. Japanese researchers, too, have documented that for 20 minutes before sunrise, the biochemistry of the body changes and even blood changes its composition yielding positive effects on the human body.

At least during the time leading up to exams, develop the habit of proper sleep times. Your brain, mind and body will function optimally during the exams if it is given proper rest. After all, we have all grown up hearing the popular adage, ‘Early to bed and early to rise – makes a man (or woman), healthy, wealthy and wise’!

#2 Organize a proper & quiet study space for yourself during exams

Create a space in your house where you can study without disturbances and noise. Spend some time cleaning this space and keeping it clutter-free will directly impact your state of mind. Inform your family members in advance that you want to concentrate on your studies and you would appreciate their co-operation in maintaining some level of quietness in the house at that time. Keep your videogames and mobile phone away from your study space to avoid any distractions that come from the constant buzzing from social media. Keep a traditional alarm clock if you need help with the timer function. Take short breaks during your study time to refresh yourself with a hot cup of tea, a snack or a light-hearted conversation with a family member or friend. A green plant, a handy bottle of water and ready-to-use stationery set neatly on your desk will enhance your mood while sitting for your studies.

#3 Practice using previous year’s question papers

Practicing for the exams using the question papers from previous years will help you understand the pattern of the examination and help you learn to complete the paper in the allotted time schedule. When you prepare your study schedule, make sure to allot time at least 3-4 times a week to create an examination atmosphere at home and practice older papers in the same time frame that you will get in the real exam. Approach this with the same attitude as you would approach the real examination; write neatly and legibly and do not take breaks in the middle. If you want an extra boost of motivation – you can seek help from your friends or family members to help supervise your mock exam.

We have more useful tips for you to score good marks in your upcoming exams. Watch this space for more!

Key advantages of an early career program

If you are looking at this website, it’s probably because you are interested in knowing more about an early career program or career training program. There are many qualified graduates in our country today who have to go through the grind of an arduous job search even after having completed their educational degrees. Honestly, we don’t know how marketable our resume and skills are once we graduate and enter the real world!

Even after you start a job, you have to learn to be efficient in your assigned role. You may discover there is a gap between what you learnt in books and what you can practically use in your job!

Is there a sensible option to bridge this gap? One where you can get practical training on what really matters, learn the latest technology trends, and develop your personality and communication skills while being assured of a job after you graduate? Yes, there is! Let’s look at some key advantages of investing in an early career program! While there are many advantages, we will begin with these three!

Advantage #1: Be Practical!

An early career program is 100% practical because the classroom is the real tech world where onus is on you to deliver real results. You will get trained practically in what is needed for the job you will be placed in – an efficient and empowering process that benefits you all-round.

In conventional courses, the syllabus is heavily theory-focused and while there are may be some opportunities to test your practical skills, most times, you have to go through an extra round of training to apply your skills into the real world. For example – if you are studying JAVA and writing some programs based on this for your coursework or exam, you may learn a lot. However, imagine if you could use this JAVA to solve real-time problems for a healthcare, financial services or aviation client! What an amazing learning experience that would be!

Advantage #2 : Earn while you learn

Any adult will tell you that you will start becoming responsible about finances when you earn your own money. Till one earns on their own, one cannot imagine, the hard work it takes to earn and manage money. In an early-career program, you have the benefit of training with stipend and can enjoy financial independence after 12th. You also enjoy the dual benefit of being making your own money in the present, while saving for your future! You can be an active participant in your family’s future too!

Advantage #3: Benefit from the best Education

Programs like HCL TechBee give you the opportunity to simultaneously get a degree from BITS Pilani or SASTRA University, some of the best universities in India and which are competitive, and tough to get through! One of the common misconceptions of an early career program is that it denies the student a chance to go to a higher education institution and get a college degree. This could not be farther from the truth. In fact, such job training programs, which integrate partnerships with such amazing universities give you future-ready educational opportunities! The added advantage is that you can take your classroom learning to a real-time work environment and vice-versa. In this process, what you study will become even more relevant to you! Above all, you will develop a mindset of learning for life!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about HCL TechBee.

For HCL TechBee early career program registration queries – please contact support-techbee@hcl.com
To know more about the program, listen to our podcasts here