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Useful tips for Exam Success

Apr 08, 2021

Useful tips for Exam Success

Exam season is around the corner. May – June 2021 is bound to be action-packed for students in India who will give exams at the end of what has been an unprecedented year, due to COVID-19. The approach to exams will be different across various states this year – a combination of online and offline modes with some states in India like Tamil Nadu cancelling Class X board exams for the year, altogether.

Firstly, let’s all admit that processing all this information and adapting to changes may not be easy. Exams by themselves are a challenging period in a student’s life especially the path-defining Board Exams. We are sure that the surging heat of Summer 2021 does not make things easy either. However, as we have discussed previously in our earlier blogs – you cannot control what happens externally but you have control over your attitude toward all that is happening.

The time leading up to the exams can be used to replace stressful pre-exam triggers with positive practices that nurture success. We spoke about how replacing fear with awareness, anxiety with positivity and stress with discipline can help you cope with managing your study schedule better.

We have a list of Top 3 Useful Tips that will help you score good marks in your exam :

#1 Develop a habit of waking up early and going to bed on time

Sleep is one of the most underrated and overlooked success factors in the life of a student. According to Johns Hopkins, one of the most eminent medical research institutes in the United States of America, teenagers need around 9 to 9.5 hours of sleep a night to support their developing brain and physical growth spurts. According to Ayurveda, one of the world’s most holistic healing systems – getting good quality sleep between 9 pm and 5 am is crucial. Japanese researchers, too, have documented that for 20 minutes before sunrise, the biochemistry of the body changes and even blood changes its composition yielding positive effects on the human body.

At least during the time leading up to exams, develop the habit of proper sleep times. Your brain, mind and body will function optimally during the exams if it is given proper rest. After all, we have all grown up hearing the popular adage, ‘Early to bed and early to rise – makes a man (or woman), healthy, wealthy and wise’!

#2 Organize a proper & quiet study space for yourself during exams

Create a space in your house where you can study without disturbances and noise. Spend some time cleaning this space and keeping it clutter-free will directly impact your state of mind. Inform your family members in advance that you want to concentrate on your studies and you would appreciate their co-operation in maintaining some level of quietness in the house at that time. Keep your videogames and mobile phone away from your study space to avoid any distractions that come from the constant buzzing from social media. Keep a traditional alarm clock if you need help with the timer function. Take short breaks during your study time to refresh yourself with a hot cup of tea, a snack or a light-hearted conversation with a family member or friend. A green plant, a handy bottle of water and ready-to-use stationery set neatly on your desk will enhance your mood while sitting for your studies.

#3 Practice using previous year’s question papers

Practicing for the exams using the question papers from previous years will help you understand the pattern of the examination and help you learn to complete the paper in the allotted time schedule. When you prepare your study schedule, make sure to allot time at least 3-4 times a week to create an examination atmosphere at home and practice older papers in the same time frame that you will get in the real exam. Approach this with the same attitude as you would approach the real examination; write neatly and legibly and do not take breaks in the middle. If you want an extra boost of motivation – you can seek help from your friends or family members to help supervise your mock exam.

We have more useful tips for you to score good marks in your upcoming exams. Watch this space for more!